When should I schedule my child’s first visit to the dentist?
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children be seen by a pediatric dentist no later than six months after their first tooth erupts, or at one year of age, whichever comes first.
How is a pediatric dentist different from other dentists?
All dental specialists (pediatric dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and others) begin by completing dental school and continue their education with several years of additional, specialized training. During training in the field of pediatric dentistry, pediatric dentists gain extensive knowledge and experience in treating infants, children, adolescents, and individuals with special healthcare needs.
Pediatric dentists enjoy working with children and bring to each patient their expertise in child development and behavior. Because our office is geared toward young visitors, you’ll find that our staff, as well as our office design, decorations, and activities, all work together to provide an especially friendly and comfortable environment for children.
What happens during the first visit to the dentist?
The first visit is usually short and simple. In most cases, we focus on getting to know your youngster and giving you some basic information about dental care. Dr. Bart or Dr. Jacobsen will evaluate the position and health of your child’s teeth, and look for any potential problems with the gums and jaw.
Typically, instruction on proper brushing and flossing is given followed by a thorough cleaning with our special dental instruments. We will also answer any questions you have about how to care for your son or daughter’s teeth as they develop, and provide you with recommendations on how to maintain a healthy smile.
How can I prepare my child for his or her first dental appointment?
The best preparation for your child’s first visit to our office is to maintain a positive attitude. Children pick up on adults’ apprehensions, and if you make negative comments about trips to the dentist, you can be sure your little one will anticipate an unpleasant experience and act accordingly.
Show your son or daughter the pictures of the office and staff on the website. Let him or her know it’s important to keep the teeth and gums healthy, and explain that the dentist is here to help make and keep their teeth strong. Remember that we specially trained to handle fears and anxiety, and our team excels at putting children at ease during treatment.
How often should my child visit the dentist?
We generally recommend scheduling checkups every six months. Depending on the circumstances of your child’s oral health, we may recommend more frequent visits.
Keeping regular dental visits helps prevent tooth decay and allows us to catch problems early-on, before pain or infection occur. If you wait until something is wrong before coming to the dentist often times, it’s too late.
Why do baby teeth need special care?
Although they don’t last as long as permanent teeth, your son or daughter’s first teeth play an important role in development. While they are in place, the primary teeth help your little one speak, smile, and chew properly. They also hold space in the jaw for permanent teeth.
If a child loses a tooth too early (due to damage or decay), nearby teeth may drift into the available space, which can result in loss of space for the developing permanent teeth, crooked, or malpositioned permanent teeth. Also, your child’s general health is affected by the health of the teeth and gums.
What’s the best way to clean my baby’s teeth?
Even before your baby’s first tooth appears, we recommend you clean his or her gums after feedings with a damp, soft washcloth. As soon as that first tooth appears, you can start using a toothbrush. Choose a brush with soft bristles and a small head.
At what age is it appropriate to use toothpaste to clean my child’s teeth?
The AAPD recommends fluoride-containing toothpastes at ALL ages. If your child is unable to spit reliably use a ‘rice’ size amount (we like to call it a smear, like ‘butter on toast’). If your child can reliably spit out the toothpaste you can progress to a ‘pea’ size amount. Fluoride is extremely beneficial to the developing dentition but too much fluoride can be dangerous for very young children. Always keep fluoride toothpaste on a HIGH shelf, out of reach from little children. Toothpaste tastes sweet and we don’t want your little ones ingesting excessive amounts.
A responsible adult should brush your child’s teeth until he or she is ready to take on that responsibility, which usually happens by age seven or eight. Remember, making your child responsible for the health of their mouths too early is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. If they can’t tie their own shoelaces they can’t be expected to be able to maintain a clean and healthy smile by themselves, either.
What causes cavities?
Bacteria naturally live in everyone’s mouths. Certain types of bacteria are known to cause decay. When these bacteria come into contact with sugary foods after eating or drinking, acids are produced. These acids attack the enamel on the exterior of the teeth, and eventually eat through the enamel and create holes in the teeth, which we call cavities. Therefore, in order to get a cavity we need three things:
1. Teeth
2. Bacteria
3. Sugar
We brush our teeth to reduce the total number of bacteria available to produce acids and we limit the frequency and quantity of sugar consumption in order to reduce the availability of those sugars to be converted to acid.
How can I help my child avoid cavities?
Make sure your child brushes his or her teeth at least twice a day, with fluoride toothpaste and adult supervision and assistance. Flossing every day is also important, since flossing can reach spots between the teeth that brushing can’t. Check with our pediatric dentists about a fluoride supplement that helps tooth enamel become harder and more resistant to decay.
Avoid sugary foods and drinks, limit snacking, and maintain a healthy diet. And finally, make regular appointments so we can check the health of your little one’s teeth and provide professional cleanings.
Does my child need dental sealants?
Sealants cover the pits and fissures in teeth that are difficult to keep clean. These pits and fissures are often too small for toothbrush bristles to affectively clean but large enough to harbor bacteria. We recommend sealants as a safe, simple way to help your child avoid cavities, especially for permanent molars, which are hardest to reach.
My child plays sports; how can I protect his or her teeth?
Even children’s sports involve contact and unintentional falls and trauma, so we recommend mouthguards for children active in sports. If your child plays baseball, soccer, basketball, hockey, or football, ask us about protecting their teeth with a custom-fitted mouthguard in Riverton, Utah. We also welcome patients from Herriman and Bluffdale.
What should I do if my child sucks a thumb?
A large majority of children suck their thumbs or fingers as infants. Most grow out of it by the age of four without causing any permanent damage to teeth. The longer your child sucks their finger or thumb the more severe the effects on the alignment of the teeth. We recommend strict cessation PRIOR to the eruption of the permanent teeth.
For more information on thumb sucking and other habits check out our ‘Habits’ page on this website.
When should my child have dental X-rays taken?
We recommend taking X-rays as soon as there is no longer positive spacing between the teeth, typically around age 4. The first set consists of simple pictures of the front upper and lower teeth, which familiarizes your son or daughter with the process. Once the baby teeth in back are touching each other, then regular, yearly, X-rays are recommended.
Permanent teeth start coming in around age six, and X-rays help us make sure your child’s teeth and jaw are healthy and properly aligned. If your child is at a high risk of dental problems, we may suggest having X-rays taken at an earlier age.
It’s a baby tooth. Won’t it fall out anyway?
While it is true that baby teeth will fall out eventually, they play a key role in the development of the permanent teeth, shape of the mouth, speech and a child’s self-esteem. The front-baby teeth generally don’t fall out until age 6-8 while the back-baby teeth stay in the mouth until age 10 to 12.
If front teeth, or incisors, are lost too early it can result in difficulty in learning proper pronunciations of important vowel and consonant sounds. If back teeth, or molars, are lost too early in can result in lost space and crowded or even blocked out permanent teeth.
For these reasons we emphasize oral hygiene and a good diet and recommend fillings and restorations when cavities are present to keep them healthy and whole.
Are parents allowed to be present for treatment?
Yes! We are happy to have parents back with their children during treatment. Depending on a number of factors there are instances where children may behave better without their parent present, but we leave this decision up to the parent together with Dr. Bart, Dr. Matt or Dr. Daniel.
When do the first teeth come in?
The first teeth generally come in at around 6 to 10 months of age, but there is a wide variety in timing between children. If you are ever concerned about a first tooth coming in sooner or later than listed above we would be happy to see your child.
What should I expect with teething?
Although every child’s response to teething may vary, some common signs of teething include increased chewing on fingers, toys or other objects, increased drooling, increased irritability and a possible low-grade fever (99-100.4°F). If you ever have any concerns or questions about the teething process, please call or come in!
At what age should my child get braces?
For the majority of patients needing orthodontic treatment we recommend braces once all of the permanent teeth have erupted, around the age of 11-14. However, in certain cases, such as patients with crossbites, excessive crowding or improper eruption of permanent teeth, early orthodontic intervention may be needed closer to age 7-8. Every child is different, so it is important to consult with a dentist or orthodontist to determine the right time based on their unique dental development.
My child plays sports. How can I protect their teeth?
As pediatric dentists, we highly recommend having your child wear a properly fitted mouth guard while playing sports, especially contact sports like football, basketball or soccer. Mouth guards help absorb impact and reduce the risk of broken teeth, lip injuries and even jaw fractures. Custom-fitted mouth guards from a dentist offer the best protection and comfort, but store-bought options can also be effective. A well-fitted helmet or face shield can also provide extra protection in high-impact sports. Additionally, regular dental checkups are recommended to monitor their oral health.
Is Nitrous Oxide safe?
Yes! Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas” is a gas that very safely helps to reduce anxiety and pain during dental visits. Potential side effects such as headache or nausea can occur but are very rare. It is delivered with a “nasal hood” that rests gently on the nose, and it is always given alongside pure oxygen, making sure that your child is well oxygenated during and after treatment. It has the added benefit of acting quickly once given, then leaving the body within a few minutes after the end of treatment, so it will not have any unwanted effects on your child through the remainder of the day.
What is general anesthesia?
General anesthesia is a type of sedation used to make a patient completely unconscious and pain-free during a medical procedure, like having dental cavities treated. The anesthesia is given through a mask or an IV, and it will allow the doctor to take care of any needed dental work without your child feeling anything at all, avoiding difficult or potentially traumatizing experiences for young or anxious children. While it can be a bit nerve-wracking to think about your child being asleep for a procedure, their vitals are continuously monitored throughout the procedure to ensure their safety and wellbeing. The anesthesia wears off quickly after the procedure, bringing your child back to their normal self and able to go home soon after.
Is fluoride bad for my child?
Fluoride is a naturally recurring mineral that is safe and beneficial for children when used in appropriate amounts, as it helps strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. Just like other essential minerals, such as calcium or potassium, an excess of fluoride exposure can lead to health concerns such as dental fluorosis, a cosmetic condition that causes faint white spots on the teeth. However, many rigorous studies have shown that when used as instructed, such as at the national standard of 0.7mg/L in drinking water or using only a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste for children under three or a pea-sized amount for those older than 3, it is safe with minimal negative side effects. If you have concerns, feel free to call in and discuss with one of our dentists.
What is the papoose board?
A papoose board is a gentle, protective stabilization device we sometimes use in pediatric dentistry to help keep patients needing special considerations safe and still during certain procedures. It is a cushioned board with soft Velcro straps that comfortably wrap around your child’s arms and body, preventing sudden movements that could interfere with treatment or cause injury. We only use it when absolutely necessary and for the shortest time possible to ensure your child’s safety and comfort. Our goal is to provide the best care in the least stressful way, and we will always discuss all options with you before using it.
When can I expect my child to lose their first tooth?
On average children lose their first tooth at age 6 to 7, but the timing varies widely between children. If you ever have a concern that a tooth seems wiggly earlier than expected or is still present longer than expected, we would be happy to see your child.
What causes tooth decay?
Tooth decay occurs when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, builds up on teeth and produces acids that erode enamel. Sugary and starchy foods, poor oral hygiene and infrequent dental visits increase the risk. For children, regular brushing, flossing and dental cleanings are essential to prevent cavities and promote healthy teeth.
Is teeth bleaching right for children?
Teeth bleaching is generally not recommended for children, as their teeth are still developing. Discoloration in children’s teeth is often temporary or treatable through professional cleaning. Our dentist and team can suggest appropriate options to address concerns about tooth color without compromising dental health.